Internet is Great – But Sometimes Relationships Count!

 business relationships

We had the Small Business Marketing Analyst for a major package moving organization in recently to conduct a workshop.  We were reminded that sometimes it is the relationship that counts when doing business.  A representative from a company in our area attended the workshop.  The company had a critical shipment that had to arrive at the destination by a specified time or they would not be considered for the project they were hoping to get.  They sent the materials to arrive in time. Continue reading

Where Are You When It Comes to Effort vs. Success?


Every now and then it’s a good idea to take a step back from your day to day focus and take a look at where you are in terms of the success you’re trying to achieve. For business owners, the definition of Success is very personal, but usually it’s going to be measured by how much money and freedom your business generates for you.

“The road to success runs uphill.”  – Willie Davis

Mr. Davis makes a great point – you can’t achieve long term success without effort.  In a lot of things you do, your success is directly tied to the amount of effort you put into it.  The more effort you put in, the more success you’ll get. Continue reading