Announcing: 100 Days to Launch – Tourism


Applications will soon be accepted for the Cumberland Business Incubator’s (CBI) 2016 Accelerator, 100 Days to Launch – Tourism. The selection committee will review applications to find the top candidates with an existing business or those interested in launching a new business with a tourism focus.

If you are considering providing a product, service, entertainment or adventure to those that live in or visit the Upper Cumberland area or already have a business that you want to expand – this Accelerator is for you. 100 Days of honing your concept; completing market research, developing your marketing plan, speaking with experts in the field of tourism -culminating with publically presenting your concept to the community at Pitch Night.

Why focus on tourism? Tourism in Tennessee represented $17.7 billion in 2014. Tourism-generated jobs reached 152,900.   Travelers to Tennessee topped 100 million. Tennessee is ranked in the Top 10 destinations in the US for total travel.

Kevin Triplett, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Tourist Development, said “Tourists are drawn to Tennessee for our world-renown music, outstanding attractions and stunning scenic beauty.” What have we done in our immediate area to capture the tourist potential? Can we do more? We have amazing natural resources. Are there businesses that can be developed or expanded around our natural beauty? Could we benefit from more visitors to our Military Museum, Homestead Tower museum, State Park, Playhouse and our cultural events, programs and festivals?

Put on your thinking cap and formulate a new or expanded business concept that would draw more tourists to travel to or stop in our area. Complete an application for the CBI’s 2016 Accelerator 100 Days to Launch – Tourism and submit it during the application period, October 1st – October 29th. Teams submitting concepts that are accepted into the accelerator will receive notification by November 20th. The Accelerator will begin in January of 2016.

The Accelerator 100 Days to Launch – Tourism will include access to the Cumberland Business Incubator’s Co-Working space, mentors, business coaches, and Maker Space.

Call or email the Cumberland Business Incubator with any questions. 931-456-4910 or Complete your application today by clicking here!
