6 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Do Daily


Success in entrepreneurship is not an end destination. It’s to be the best version of yourself every day as you work with and communicate with those around you and provide services and products to your customers. We are a constant work in progress that requires some daily effort. The “laptop in the coffee shop” version of entrepreneurship may only exist for a very few.

Running a successful business means planning for the future, developing monthly and yearly goals. Meeting these goals requires daily action. Six things that the best entrepreneurs do to reach their biggest goals are things you can do.

  1. Plan each day the night before. You probably already know that it’s important to plan the night before, yet many entrepreneurs don’t do it. They wake up and “wing it” all day hoping to be productive – and that’s a bad strategy. To make the most of each day, you need a solid daily plan.This day plan includes knowing what’s important and what’s not. There are things that have to get done and things that can wait. We tend to want to do the easier tasks, but that may be hurting your business. Spend some time each night getting honest about where your focus needs to be the following day.
  2. Wake up earlier. What time you wake up is a personal choice, but you should wake up early enough to have some time for you. There should be some quiet time each morning to reflect, refresh and get re-energized. You can choose how to spend this time. The most successful entrepreneurs cite meditating, praying and engaging in some physical exercise. Getting your blood pumping and clearing your mind are part of a formula for success.
  3. Start your day on a positive note. As you wake up earlier, have a plan for what you will feed your mind with. Successful entrepreneurs feed their mind with inspirational and motivational content. The specific media isn’t important: podcasts, videos, books, magazines, etc. What is important is to not let negativity ruin your day before it’s even started. I avoid listening to the news at the start of my day.
  4. Protect your time. One of the best ways to ruin a productive day is to give in to distractions. Distractions come from people and situations that steal your time away from your daily plan. You will know what is critical to address that isn’t in your plan. To the other distractions, have the strength to say no, even if it is email and social media.
  5. Work on one project at a time. Science has proven multi-tasking is not effective. Stick to your plan for the day and take each task one at a time. Give your full attention and energy to making what you’re working on the best it can be. Strive for excellence.
  6. Respect your work-life boundaries. Pushing hard to hit 1,000 on all our goals is a surefire way to burn out. Some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs have clear boundaries. They decide ahead of time when they will “work” and when they will focus on their personal life. They decide not to take business calls at all hours of the day and night and set other boundaries.

There are more than six things that the most successful entrepreneurs do daily but these are a good start. It takes a lot to be a good entrepreneur. It takes focusing on what is right for you and your customers. It takes putting in the not-so-exciting daily work that leads to success.

Most successful entrepreneurs cite creating freedom in their lives and making an impact on the lives of those their business serves as their main goals. To reach these goals, you need a plan, daily focus and constant growth. Set yourself up for personal success each day and your business success will follow.
