So You Want to Start a Business or Buy an Existing One?

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We have a number of people who come to the CBI for help in buying a business or to start their own business. Sometimes it’s a short conversation when they come looking for the grant money they believe we have. We don’t have grant funds or grant applications to buy a business or start a business. We don’t have access to a pool of investors who loan money without a sound business plan, or know of any that will loan 100% of the cost of a business even with a great plan. Continue reading

Marketing to the Largest Group in the US?

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The millennial generation is the largest population group in the United States. In the last U.S. Census, 18 to 32-year-olds outnumbered even the baby boomers. As their buying power increases, entrepreneurs looking to market to them must understand how they expect to be treated – as individuals. Continue reading

Key Performance Indicators


There is a primary problem with measurement.  You can measure a million different things.  Measure too much and you’ll drown in a sea of meaningless data.

Some measurements are more important than others.  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurements of the critical parts of a system.  Measurements that don’t help you make improvements to your system are worse than worthless:  they’re a waste of your limited attention and energy.  You don’t have time to pay attention to everything – just a few key measurements that actually matter. Continue reading