$9 Million Business Sells for $55 Million

Stephanie Breedlove started a payroll company in 1992 to solve the problem that families had in paying for their nannies.  She began small and self-funded the business growth which averaged 20% per year.

In 2012 annual sales were at $9 million when she received a call from a company that wanted to buy her business and offered almost $40 million – more than 4 times annual revenue.  Breedlove turned down the offer.  She wanted more and settled on a price of $55 million.

Breedlove’s story illustrates the importance of having a unique point of differentiation, called the Monopoly Control by John Warrilow, author of Built to Sell.  She had created a special niche in paying caregivers.  The company that bought the business could not easily replicate what Breedlove had developed, which is why they paid such a high premium for Breedlove’s company.

To find out how you’re doing on The Monopoly Control business value driver, complete the Value Builder questionnaire now.

What did your score look like?  Call for an appointment to go over your score and discuss ways to improve it.  931-456-4910

Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet with an Annual Plan – FINAL

Picking up where we left off from the two most recent articles …….

Marketing –

  • On a scale of 1 (least positive) to 10 (most positive), how would your company’s current marketing activities and your ability to generate the right number of quality leads?
  • Make a list of what you think is needed to make this a 10.
  • Do you have an effective lead generation process that provides a steady stream of high-quality leads?
  • Is your company taking advantage of a variety of different channels for generating leads?
  • Are you sure that your current marketing messages are having the desired impact on prospective customers
  • Do you have an effective social media strategy and presence?

Continue reading

Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet with an Annual Plan


Many businesses have been in business 3, 8, 12, or more years, yet each year is a repeat of any other prior year. Why? Because everyone is so caught up in the day to day work of the business (working IN the business) that they don’t take the time to step back and take an assessment of where the business is (working ON the business) and intentionally do things differently to move forward toward the vision for their business. Continue reading



You get what you focus on. In business, it means focusing on profit.

A business without profit will die.   Being passionate about your work may keep you in the game longer, but without profit you are still losing money. You have to keep business expenses in control. There isn’t a shortcut that allows you to succeed if don’t have a clear path to profitability for your company.    Every business may go through short cycles when expenses exceed income, but allowing it to happen repeatedly without making adjustments is the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over without making changes, expecting a different result. Continue reading

Making Sales but not Making Money? Watch Your Margins when Pricing –


I find business owners have a hard time keeping the gross profit margins on their product or service in mind when establishing pricing. To be able to maintain your gross profit margin, you need to know what your costs are. Continue reading

Key Performance Indicators


There is a primary problem with measurement.  You can measure a million different things.  Measure too much and you’ll drown in a sea of meaningless data.

Some measurements are more important than others.  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are measurements of the critical parts of a system.  Measurements that don’t help you make improvements to your system are worse than worthless:  they’re a waste of your limited attention and energy.  You don’t have time to pay attention to everything – just a few key measurements that actually matter. Continue reading