A Cash Mob?


What are Cash Mobs?

Cash Mobs are flash mobs, but instead of singing and dancing, people spend money as a group!  They target the small, local businesses that make each community special in order to give the business owners an economic stimulus.  They help businesses grow, they make people happy, buyers find something to buy, people have a great time and get together to celebrate afterward! Continue reading

5 Reasons You Should Pay Someone to do Your Accounting


Many small business owners start out thinking they will do everything they possibly can in their business to keep costs low, including doing their own accounting.  Some have learned the hard way that small errors can add up to a big mess. Continue reading

Show Me the Money


When you talk about your business with someone that might have an interest in loaning you money, or joining you as a partner, or buying the business, they will want to see the Cash Flow Statement. Continue reading