Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet with an Annual Plan


Many businesses have been in business 3, 8, 12, or more years, yet each year is a repeat of any other prior year. Why? Because everyone is so caught up in the day to day work of the business (working IN the business) that they don’t take the time to step back and take an assessment of where the business is (working ON the business) and intentionally do things differently to move forward toward the vision for their business.

We’ll be offering workshops during 2017 to help you learn how to create an Annual Plan for 2017 or any future year. Here is a small taste of the workshop materials and your homework assignment to begin to prepare for the workshops.

Step 1 – Sit down in your favorite spot where you won’t be interrupted and can concentrate on the vision for your business. What do you want it look like next year or 3 or 5 years from now?   You’re going to be working on an Annual Plan for 2017. What is the theme for your Annual Plan? What kind of impact do you want your plan to have?

Step 2 – One of the most important steps in creating your Annual Plan is to assess the current condition of your business. Answer each item honestly and objectively so you have an accurate understanding of where you and your business stand now.


  • On a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high), how would you rate your current leadership abilities?
  • Make a list of what you think is needed to make this a 10.
  • Are you in touch with your values and company mission to insure you create a business that is personally satisfying and reflects your needs and dreams?
  • Have you communicated your company’s future direction and your standards, expectations and production expectations to your employees in a way that challenges and inspires them to achieve?
  • Do you communicate clearly and directly, even in difficult situations?
  • Do you set the tone and put systems and procedures in place that allow employees to put forth their best effort and as a result find their own personal and professional satisfaction?

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Stay tuned as we work our way around the topics in the graphic below in future articles…